Christian martyrs become a symbol of ecumenism and friendship between Orthodox and Catholics

The 21 martyrs—20 Egyptian and one Ghanaian—who were killed by Islamic State militants in Libya, in 2015, will be commemorated on the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, making them the first saints to be honoured by both the Coptic Orthodox and Catholic Churches since their split following the Council of Chalcedon in 451AD. In …

“Without Christians… there will not be a peaceful and harmonious Lebanon.”

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) supports the formation of seminarians all over the world. In Lebanon, this is about more than just preparing men to be good priests; it has to do with guaranteeing a peaceful future for the country, and a stable environment in which Christians can thrive. The Maronite Patriarchal Seminary …

“Evil will not have the last word,” says priest about violence against Christians in his country.

Burkina Faso Churches must be guarded so that Christians can pray in safety. Catholic nurses disguise themselves as Muslims so that they can travel to villages to treat patients. Christian girls wear full-face veils to go to school, so as not to be kidnapped. To resist the jihadists in Burkina Faso requires much courage, explains …

Syria – Successors to kidnapped bishops live in hope. “Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”

Metropolitan Ephraim Maalouli and Archbishop Mor Boutros Kassis, who lead the Greek Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox communities in Aleppo, Syria, insist that Christians live in hope and continue to feel the presence and inspiration of their two predecessors, abducted by Islamist militants 10 years ago. Christians in Syria, and more specifically in the city of …

Pakistan-Abductions and forced conversions of young Christian women increasing

Head of Justice and Peace Commission sees little progress in religious freedom. The director of the Catholic National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) in Pakistan, Father Emmanuel Yousaf (Mani), says abductions and forced conversions of young women from Christian minorities are on the rise. “The problem is becoming more acute day by day,” the …

An adventure of faith in the forest

In the Brazilian Amazon, a Capuchin friar shares the many efforts and trials necessary to spread the Gospel in this vast region and the help that makes it all possible. Friar Paolo Maria Braghini was returning to his mission one afternoon, after having gone to buy supplies in the city, when a cloud began to …

Pakistan: Justice served at last

A Christian man in Pakistan, who languished in jail for nearly eight years, has been released after he was acquitted by a court in Lahore. Humayun Allahrakha (formerly known as Humayun Faisal Masih), now 32, was burning newspaper in Sanda, a town in Lahore District, in May 2015 when Muslim onlookers accused him of blasphemy, …

“Being a priest in Nigeria includes the danger of being kidnapped.”

Roads are fraught with danger in Northern Nigeria. Besides the risk of kidnapping, accidents are common and can be fatal. A good car would make Fr. Andrew’s mission easier to accomplish. Video of Fr. Andrew explaining why it is important to have a safer mode of transport in #Nigeria. “Being a priest in Nigeria includes …

Nigeria – A Dark Holy Week.

Fulani herdsmen slaughter over 30 IDPs in Africa’s most populated country The latest case of violence carried out against mostly Christian farmers in Central Nigeria has left at least 35 dead. On Holy Saturday, April 8, an attack on internally displaced people (IDPs), carried out by Fulani herdsmen, caused nearly three dozen fatalities and countless …