Transportation Means to Support the Need for Pastoral Care

As early as the 1950s, what will become ACN sent chapel trucks as mobile churches to displaced persons. Today, ensuring that assistance and pastoral care are available to areas in need continues to be an important concern for Aid to the Church in Need.

Transportation means to support the need for pastoral care.

I often thank the Lord for your presence beside us. Without you, it would be so hard to go on with our ministry.

Sr. Hanan Youssef, Project Partner, Lebanon

We receive applications to fund the purchase of various forms of transportation on every continent. Applications for funding depend on the climate and the needs specific to the region in question and they include requests for the purchase of: trucks, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, boats, or even – in particularly difficult mountainous regions – mules!

In 2018 alone, 373 cars, 189 motorcycles, 342 bicycles and two boats were financed.