Thanks to your donations, youth can recharge!  

Summer camps and days of renewal

As you know, a vacation is often an opportunity to get away from the daily grind and to finally slow down and take a deep breath. In the best of cases, it’s even a chance to recharge one’s batteries. (Cover photo: In Syria, young people need more than ever a time of renewal).

In 2019, these children took part in a camp with children from the Caucasus.

For many years—thanks to you—Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has been proud to support project partners who organize summer camps or days of renewal for children and teens. These days of renewal always have a way of brightening the hearts of youth who generally come from moderate to poor backgrounds and who are surrounded by war and conflicts, which prevent them from fully flourishing.

This year, we offer two examples from former Iron Curtain countries.

2018: children in holiday camps visit the Zarsma monastery.

Georgia: youth in search of faith!

In 2014, you enabled young Catholics to experience a little bit of Church life. At the time, the apostolic administrator of the Caucasus, Msgr. Giuseppe Pasotto, considered summer camp activities to be one of the Church’s most important commitments in this region.

Mgr Giuseppe Pasotto, Apostolic Administrator of the Caucasus. Photo taken in 2021 during an ACN visit to the Caucasus region, here in Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi.

“Through them, the children and young people, who in many cases have only very little contact with a Catholic parish, can get to know the life of the Church more intensively than if they were to stay at home,” wrote our Information colleagues at the time. “Prayer and religious instruction, shared leisure activities such as simple theatre performances and dances prepared by the children themselves, and the showing of films about young saints who can serve as good role models for these young people are all part of the daily program. But even the simple fact of living close to nature can have a beneficial impact on these children, which is why the program includes excursions to the biggest waterfall in the country or to a local lake, for example. The holiday camps are extremely popular and there are always more applicants than there are places available.”

Ten years later, the demand is just as strong, if not stronger! 

Summer camps for children and young people are of great importance for integral development. (Illustration photo, Georgian Catholic children, October 2021).

Continue to offer this precious time of renewal to today’s youth!

Belarus: a celebration of faith and peace for children!

Today in Belarus, which is also a former country behind the Iron Curtain, the faith of grandparents can finally be passed on to younger generations. This is thanks to the courage they showed in maintaining their faith under a communist regime that was officially atheist and anti-religious.

Today, hundreds of children take part in catechism, and many receive their first holy Communion every year. We also organize the Children’s Festival, which wouldn’t be possible without you, ACN benefactors.

The festival has proved to be a great success over the past three years. It started with 100 participants, but this year, around 2,000 children from various dioceses took part. The day combines play and prayer and brings the children closer to God while strengthening the community within the Church.

A moving moment from this year’s festival was the release of doves to represent peace and the Holy Spirit. This act was a reminder of how important it is to pray for peace today—peace in our own hearts, in our families and in society, peace for the country and for neighbouring countries. The children also learnt the deep spiritual meaning of the dove as a symbol of the Holy Spirit who gives us His gifts. Releasing the doves also meant joy, and what is more beautiful than seeing a child cheerful and happy?

“We are extremely grateful to Aid to the Church in Need for their great help in organizing this day,” read a message from the organizers. “Thanks to this help, we were able to organize a real festival of faith for the young Church of the Diocese of Grodno, which wants to build its life on God and with God!”

Let us pray for Belarus, a country with considerable challenges, so that the faith of our brothers and sisters may be strengthened during these difficult times!

Thank you for supporting summer camps
and various pastoral activities for youth!

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