Subsistence aid for religious sisters in Ipiales
The order of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was founded in Spain in the 15th century. Today its work is mainly focused on Latin America, while most of its convents in Europe are found in Spain. However, it also has convents in India and Africa (Equatorial Guinea).
The Conceptionists, as the sisters of the order are known, live a contemplative lifestyle of silence and prayer.

Their convent in Ipiales in Southwest Colombia was founded in 1970. Two years earlier, two of the sisters from another convent, in Pasto, each held a cherished wish—independently of one another—to establish a convent in the town of Ipiales, in the Andes close to the frontier with Ecuador. In June of 1968, they each confided this wish to the abbess. It happened that the abbess had a particular devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and June is also the month of special devotion to the Sacred Heart. So she agreed, on condition that the new convent would be dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
When the first sisters arrived in 1970, they were joyfully welcomed by so many of the people, and on the day of the dedication ceremony, the bishop described the new convent as the “beating heart” of his diocese. And indeed, the convent has had a marvellous impact on the faithful of the diocese.

At present, there are 13 professed sisters living in the convent and several other young women who would like to join them. The sisters live a very modest life, supporting themselves by their handmade crafts and ornaments. But this income barely covers the everyday needs of the convent. And while the local faithful love the sisters and frequently bring them food and other produce, there is very little to spare for the electricity, water, telephone, and other basic daily necessities. And then there are always the unexpected expenditures, such as repairs and essential medical treatment.
We would therefore like to support these 13 religious sisters once again this year, with an amount of $16,500 to help them make ends meet. They thank you for your support and are praying for you all!