Father’s Anton message for Benefactors’ Day 2024

Father Anton Lässer, International Ecclesiastical Assistant, addresses a message to the benefactors of ACN on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, a day dedicated to them.

Dear ACN Family,

Last week, the presidents from ACN’s 23 national offices met with our charity’s management in Königstein. There, the leaders of our project department gave an overview of the more than 5,000 projects we were able to carry out in the past year.

Facts and figures, experiences of staff on their project trips, and reports about individual fates caused us deep concern again and again and created a strong desire to provide immediate relief.

At the same time, these presentations made it clear to us how much expert knowledge our charity has at its disposal through close and constant collaboration with the local Church. In a unique way, this great treasure of knowledge and experience does so much to enable us to cope with such a diversity of challenges in our project work, to efficiently provide help, and to competently alleviate misery and need.

The sessions reawakened in me a respect and a deep gratitude for the great work of love which ACN is permitted to do—and does do—with your support and the great commitment of our staff. We can tangibly bring light and hope where war, displacement, persecution, darkness, and misery prevail.

Every year on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, we celebrate Benefactors’ Day. It is for us a special honour and a sacred duty to thank you on this special day, for it is you who make possible all that we do for the glory of God, in loving service to those in need or facing persecution.

Today, in deep communion and sincere gratitude, we pray in particular for your intentions, and we entrust your care and that of your families to the loving heart of Jesus during the celebration of Mass.   

With every blessing,

Fr. Dr Anton Lässer CP
Ecclesiastical Assistant

In 2023, Father Anton visited Izmir in Turkey, home to a very small Christian community.
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