Child’s Bible: 45 years of teaching children about God’s love

The Vatican held the first World Childre’s Day on last May 25-26. Pope Francis, in his message for this occasion, emphasizes the preciousness of every child in God’s eyes.  In 1979, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) marked the International Year of the Child by producing the Child’s Bible to assist the Church’s pastoral outreach. Since then, millions of children have learned to pray in their own language by reading the Child’s Bible, in one of the almost 200 languages it is translated into. Testimonies from all over the world attest to this.

In Zambia, children hold the pictures from the Child’s Bible – God Speaks to His Children. Catechists use these magnificent images to recount great episodes from the Bible to children.

Being a faithful Catholic in Cuba can be difficult, and deciding to become a priest is generally the result of a deep and mature faith. Yet when Rolando Montes de Oca entered the seminary, the book he took with him was the Child’s Bible – God Speaks to His Children, published by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).

Cameroon: children proud to hold their first Bible!

“I was a child, but I will never forget when our parish priest arrived and gave me the Child’s Bible. With this Bible I learned about the Lord, about the story of salvation, and with it I fell in love with God. This God I fell in love with called me to the priesthood, and this is the Bible I took with me to the seminary. Of course, later I had to use other, more complete Bibles, but this continues to be my favourite, because it is the Bible that taught me about Jesus Christ,” the priest told ACN.

Fr. Rolando is one of dozens of millions of children who learned about Jesus through ACN’s Child’s Bible. For many children around the world, the Child’s Bible is only book they get to own.

Amazonia: A project that reaches the most inaccessible corners of the world.

Fr. Henrique Uggé, an Italian missionary who works with the Sateré-Mawé people in the Amazon, explained that “we all like to hear, read, and meditate on the Word of God in our own language, in our own cultural and historical context,” adding that the Child’s Bible is also an important cultural tool, since many of the words used in the translations had begun to fall out of use, and are thus preserved for the new generations.

The Child’s Bible was first produced by ACN in 1979 to mark the International Year of the Child, when it was submitted to the Third General Bishops’ Conference of Latin America taking place in Puebla, Mexico, to assist the Church’s pastoral outreach. Since then, thanks to the generous donations of ACN benefactors, this Bible has been translated into 194 different languages and dialects, from Assyrian, the closest living language to what Jesus spoke, to Zulu. Considering that in many cases a Bible will be read not only by the child who received it, but also by siblings and other relations, the 51 million copies already printed and distributed since the project began 45 years ago represent a much wider audience.

South Sudan: The Bible is often the first book children own.

Building confidence and self-respect in the children

In many cases, the Child’s Bible is the only written work in a certain language, which makes it especially important in allowing children to relate to their faith in the same language that they speak with their parents and in their communities.

Lilian Omari, from the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle, told ACN about how she uses this resource in her work among the pastoralist Turkana people in northwest Kenya. “Because it has images, they can see and peruse the book, touch and feel it, and even listen to the Word. This is one of the things that has helped support us to do catechism in the area, since many of the children have not gone to school, and only speak Turkana.”

“We are very grateful to all the benefactors who have supported this project, making it possible to have it translated into different languages,” she added.

The Bible in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke!

In countries where large parts of the population do not speak the official language, such as in southern Mexico, where around half a million people speak Tzeltal as their native tongue, or in the Amazon, where many tribes still live in relative isolation to the outside world, having access to the Word of God in their own language can build confidence and show that Christianity is not a foreign imposition.

Alfred Ajuong Mangui, a catechist in the Diocese of Rumbek, in South Sudan, spoke of how children in his classes grew in this regard. “With the Child’s Bible, you will see all the children growing with respect. And with this respect they will develop other skills and a way of life.”

The Child’s Bible is one of ACN’s longest-running projects. With 194 languages already in circulation, the charity continues its work to enable more children to learn about how much God loves them, and allow them to love Him in return.

Donate so that the Children’s Bible project can continue to nurture the budding faith of children and adults alike. Thank you for your support!

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