Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) launches a fundraiser with the goal of raising $1.5 million

Lebanon – International Emergency Campaign

Königstein-Montreal, October 11, 2024 – Christians have been directly affected by the attacks that have occurred in many parts of Lebanon. The Church is doing all it can to help those who have had to flee their homes to safer areas. In Canada, the emergency campaign launched by the national office two weeks ago is gaining momentum. “The Lebanese need you,” says Marie-Claude Lalonde, national director of ACN Canada.
(Cover photo: A sister of Saint-Vincent de Paul receiving food for the displaced.)

The international pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is launching an international emergency aid campaign to raise at least $1.5 million for the Lebanese Church, which, as it helps the displaced, is struggling to cope with the enormous challenges caused by Israeli air and ground attacks.

These attacks, aimed at defusing the threat of Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel, have triggered a wave of over a million displaced people in various parts of the country. The regions of Beirut, Mount Lebanon, and the north of the country are the hardest hit by the influx of people fleeing the south.

Welcoming displaced persons, Lebanon, autumn 2024.

In all these regions, the Church has sprung into action, opening its premises, including churches and retirement homes, to all those fleeing the most dangerous areas. These buildings are open to anyone, regardless of religious or ethnic background, as the Church fulfills its biblical mandate to help those in need.

Aid to the Church in Need is already in contact with the five religious congregations and seven dioceses most involved in helping the displaced and is now trying to raise the money needed to meet their needs, which include food, sanitary products, mattresses, blankets, medicine, and other basic necessities.

“We need your help!” says Marie-Claude Lalonde, national director of ACN Canada. “This now international emergency campaign confirms that, unfortunately, the situation in Lebanon has continued to deteriorate since September 23,” she says. “It’s already been two weeks since we launched an appeal to our benefactors. Today, I am launching this appeal once again. The Lebanese Church needs your help to support the displaced people and refugees seeking refuge. Thank you to all those who will join us in helping those who are helping.”

Lebanon, from one crisis to another

Many Christians in Southern Lebanon are farmers, but instability has prevented them from harvesting their olives and tobacco, depriving them of income. Catholic schools, most of which have opened online classes, are also likely to need help, as parents in the areas hardest hit by the war are unable to work and will struggle to pay school fees.

A Sister of Saint-Vincent de Paul surrounded by mattresses to be used by displaced persons.

Although the conflict affects the whole country, the hardest-hit areas are in the border regions between Israel and Lebanon. Here, Christians, who make up a significant proportion of the population, are directly affected, even though they played no part in the terrorist attacks against Israel. Thousands of Christians have been forced to flee their homes, which in most cases has led to the separation of their families. Mothers and children take refuge in Church buildings or with relatives in safer areas, while fathers, despite the enormous risks, remain in the family home to avoid robbery.

Families of all traditions and nationalities living in Lebanon are welcomed by the Church in its convents, schools, presbyteries, parish halls, etc.

“Over the past few decades, Lebanon has gone from one crisis to another, due to political instability, the influx of refugees fleeing war in their homeland, economic collapse, the explosion in the Port of Beirut, which levelled a large part of the city, and now attacks from Israel,” said Regina Lynch, executive president of ACN International.

“Despite all this, the Church continues to serve people, providing material and spiritual support at all times. ACN stands by our Lebanese project partners, and we will not abandon them now, when they are once again in need,” she added. “We are convinced that our friends and benefactors will understand the urgency of supporting the Church in Lebanon so that it can accomplish God’s work.”

The Lebanese Church opens its doors to the displaced.

In Canada, donations can be made online at or by calling 1-800-585-6333, ext. 228, or by sending your donation to:

Aid to the Church in Need (Canada)
Lebanon Emergency
Postal Box 670, Station H
Montreal, QC H3G 2M6

In Ontario:

Ontario ACN Sub-Office
Lebanon Emergency
P.O. Box 69117, St. Claire Centre
Toronto, ON M4T 3A1

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