ACN Success Story – Peru

A chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima

The parish of the Sacred Heart in Calzada includes 34 rural communities, scattered along the banks of the Rio Mayo. The distances are vast. The village of Los Angeles is one of the biggest in the parish, with around 700 inhabitants, of whom roughly 70% are Catholic. It takes the parish priest about 75 minutes to drive, on the unmade roads, from the centre of the parish to the village. And at one point, he must cross the river on a raft.

The village previously had its own chapel, built over 40 years ago. However, this little chapel was built of mud, with a timber and reed-thatched roof, and was also very small. Over the years its condition worsened, with holes developing in the roof. Moreover, the chapel was struck by an earthquake in 2021, which left it with large cracks in the walls and in imminent danger of collapsing.

For the faithful, who could no longer use their chapel, the journey to the parish church was still too far, and so they wanted to build a simple, but dignified new chapel for celebrating Holy Mass, for prayer and catechesis. This is a very lively community, with its own youth choir, and the people confess and receive Holy Communion as often as possible. Every day, they pray the Rosary, and they have a great love and devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, to whom their original chapel was dedicated.

In order to fulfil their dream of a new chapel, the faithful began fundraising through raffles, but since they are very poor, it was not enough. And so their priest turned to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, we were able to provide 23,800 $.

The village men all helped with the building work and the women helped provide for the builders. The new chapel has been completed and also been consecrated. There is great rejoicing! The faithful continue to keep their chapel spotless, and their offerings in the collection plate help to provide for things like candles and other items needed for the liturgy, as well as help cover the cost of electricity. This is truly “their” chapel—a building for which they have gladly made many sacrifices. For it is important to them that the very “heart” of their community be maintained in a fitting and beautiful state.

Heartfelt thanks to all who have given so generously!

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