ACN Project of the Week – Zimbabwe

Mass intentions for priests in the Diocese of Masvingo

For the Church, Africa is a continent of hope. Not only is the number of faithful growing, but the number of priests is as well. One in eight priests around the world today comes from the African continent.

The priests live their vocation with joy and commitment, although the conditions are often difficult. It is no different in the Diocese of Masvingo, in southeast Zimbabwe, where there are just 65 priests caring for around 250,000 Catholic faithful in a region of over 70,000 km². The distances are enormous, and the greater part of the diocese is rural in nature.

The drought that has hit large parts of Southern Africa severely this year—so severely in fact that the Zimbabwean government declared a state of disaster in April—has resulted in half of the usual harvest. The people, who were already living in poverty, are now even poorer. And of course the Church is similarly affected as a result.

Bishop Raymond Mupandasekwa has only been in charge of the diocese since December 2023 and faces numerous challenges. Just like his predecessor, he is particularly concerned about the support of his priests. It worries him to see that most of the parishes are extremely poor and can barely contribute to supporting their priests. And he, too, lacks the means, though he would gladly help if he could.

Many of his priests are working in remote and hard-to-reach areas. Some attempt to grow their own crops in order to help support themselves, but this takes up time and their pastoral work suffers as a result, as all the priests are required to serve several parishes at once, many of which are separated by long distances. They spend hours travelling in order to administer the sacraments, visit the sick, give religious instruction, and keep up with their many other responsibilities. They cannot simultaneously work the land and minister intensively to the faithful.

And so Bishop Mupandasekwa has turned to ACN, requesting Mass intentions, which in the past have proved a definite help for the priests of Masvingo diocese. So once again this year, we would like to pass on your Mass intentions to the bishop himself, his 65 priests, and the emeritus bishop of the diocese, who will be more than happy to celebrate these Holy Masses for your intentions. Your valuable contribution will greatly support their priestly ministry, allowing them to fulfill it to the fullest and be present among the faithful. Warmest thanks in advance for your help!

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