ACN Project of the Week – Pakistan

A vehicle for the Holy Family Sisters in Gojra

The Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux first came to Pakistan nearly 50 years ago. Today this congregation, founded in France in the 19th century, has 32 religious sisters working in almost all the Pakistani dioceses. They help the priests in the parishes, support the needy, help street children and orphans, and also work in the field of education and pastoral support, as well as being actively involved in healthcare work.

The Holy Family Sisters also work in the parish of the Sacred Heart in the town of Gojra, in the Diocese of Faisalabad. They minister to seven villages here, visiting the sick and the families, caring for the needy, and providing free medical care. They work in the youth apostolate, teaching the children in the Sunday schools and preparing them for their First Holy Communion. On top of this, they take in young women and girls who have no family and are forced to work as household servants, giving them the opportunity to gain an education. They also teach children who have dropped out of school, and care for the disabled and the rural workers who find themselves in debt bondage situations, working as agricultural workers for big landowners.

The work is difficult, for the sisters have no car. Travelling on public transport in Pakistan can be dangerous for women. And sometimes, later in the day, there is no public transport from the villages back to their convent. The faithful sometimes help them out with bicycles, but this is hardly a long-term solution, given the long distances, the poor roads—sandy and full of potholes—which turn to mud whenever it rains. And sometimes the weather conditions are so bad that the sisters cannot even reach the villages in the first place.

We are hoping to provide these sisters with $18,410, so that they may purchase a car and be able to minister more safely and effectively to the local people. Will you help us?

give for Holy Land