ACN Project of the Week – Mexico

Help for the training of 13 seminarians

There are over 120 Redemptoris Mater seminaries around the world. They were established by Pope Saint John Paul II to promote the new evangelization. Young men from many different countries and nationalities pursue their vocations to the priesthood in these seminaries today. The particular feature of the seminaries is that the priests who emerge from them are ready and willing to go anywhere in the world as missionaries, at the request of their respective bishops.

One of these seminaries is in Mexico City. Currently, there are 13 young men in formation here, studying philosophy and theology, praying together, and working during the holidays in the local parishes, gaining hands-on experience for their future priestly ministry.

The seminary also hosts pilgrim groups who come to Mexico City to visit the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The seminarians pray together with the pilgrims, speak with them and talk about their life in the seminary and their vocation. One group of young people last year was so enthused by their visit here that they promised to pray the Rosary every day for a year, before the Blessed Sacrament, to support these future priests in their vocation.

We regularly support the seminary for the formation of its students and every year, during their annual pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe, they pray for all the benefactors who are helping them in their formation. And their rector, Father José Miguel Sosa Peralta, adds his thanks for all of you who have helped his seminary in the past as well: “How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?” he writes, referencing Psalm 116:12 and adding, “This verse expresses our feelings of gratitude towards God for having inspired you to help us in our need. May God bless you always!”

We are helping once again this year, with $13,200, for the formation of these 13 future priests, who are ready and willing to go out into the world as missionaries, wherever they are called, to proclaim the Gospel.

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