ACN Project of the Week – Democratic Republic of the Congo

Help for the training of 161 seminarians in the Diocese of Butembo-Beni

The Diocese of Butembo-Beni is situated in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the crisis region of North Kivu, rich in natural resources, on the frontier between the DR Congo and neighbouring Uganda. For years now, the rebels of the so-called Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), originally based in Uganda, have been spreading fear and terror in the region. Thousands have been left as refugees, and massacres, abductions, rape, and looting are now regular and repeated occurrences.

During his visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in February 2023, Pope Francis met with some of the victims of this violence and was deeply moved by their plight. In his address to them, he said: “In the face of such inhumane violence, which you have witnessed with your own eyes and experienced in your own lives, one is left appalled. Nothing is left but wordless weeping, and silence.”

Despite this terrible situation, Bishop Melchisedek Sikuli Paluku assures us: “Our people retain the joy of the Gospel and continue to hope against all hope that better times will come.” And one heartening sign of this is the growing number of vocations. Currently no fewer than 161 young men from the Diocese of Butembo-Beni are training for the priesthood. They are spread across various seminaries in the country, according to the stages of their formation. Eventually they will return, as priests, to their home diocese in order to serve God and their suffering people there. As Bishop Paluku writes, “These vocations are a sign from God, and the growth in them inspires our own hope in God, Emmanuel, who dwells among us and saves us. But the local Church in this suffering region of the country is still far from able to cope with the material needs – and this is why I am asking your help!”

We are proposing to give $47,600 to support the training of these 161 young men, who will soon serve their people as priests and bring them hope.

give for Holy Land