ACN Day of the Benefactors 2024

Celebrating the builders of God’s Kingdom

Aid to the Church in Need Canada Press Release

Montreal, June 6, 2024 – As it has since 2021, Aid to the Church in Need is marking the Feast of the Sacred Heart—which this year falls on June 7—by celebrating the generosity of its benefactors.

In Albania, the Franciscan Sisters of the Gospel of Bilisht in Vidov. Bringing the hope and joy of the Good News to the country where Mother Teresa was born.

For ACN Canada, their contributions amounted to over $3.3 million—a first in the office’s history. “Our work to inform and raise awareness of the poverty of Catholic communities, as well as the discrimination and persecution they sometimes face, is bearing fruit,” says Marie-Claude Lalonde, national director. “In addition to the many projects we have funded, we have also put an emphasis on information—a key part of our work that helps people get to know the Church better around the world.”

Summer 2023, Ukraine: young people participate in a World Youth Day designed especially for them. A way of forgetting the horrors of war for a few days. Thanks to the benefactors of ACN!

The Vues d’ailleurs program in French on Radio VM and the Where God Helps segment, broadcast by Salt + Light Media as part of SL Hour, are part of this mission to inform and to help listeners learn more about the poor and persecuted Church. “We are also fortunate to have Catholic media in Canada who recognize the fundamental work we do and who regularly relay information from our partners on the ground. We are very grateful for this,” says Marie-Claude Lalonde.

ACN Canada is part of a network of 23 national offices which, in 2023, raised nearly $210 million and supported 5,573 projects in 138 countries. Whether it be the construction of a church or the purchase of bicycles for catechists, the projects reflect the pastoral mission of the Church that Aid to the Church in Need supports as a priority. In exceptional cases, ACN also provides emergency aid at the request of local church authorities.

In Chad, Sisters from the Daughters of the Divine Love Congregation with girls and young women with whom they live and work.

Benefactors, true partners

“Aid to the Church in Need can count on extraordinary benefactors all around the world,” says Ms. Lalonde with joy. “In the next edition of the Mirror [published six times annually], which will be sent out at the end of June, a Portuguese benefactor explains that she makes and sells handcrafted devotional objects and donates all the proceeds to ACN for its projects.” In Brazil, another benefactor collects plastic bottles and cans for recycling, and the amount collected is intended for ACN. “These are very simple and sincere gestures, but when you add them up, they make all the difference!” says Ms. Lalonde.

Emergency aid is also one of ACN’s missions, at the request of ecclesiastical authorities when needs overflow. Here, a camp for internally displaced persons in South Sudan (Yei).

It’s also not unusual for people to share how deeply moved they are by the stories and news of their sisters and brothers in the faith. “I should point out that the generosity of our benefactors is not limited to appeals for help in emergency situations, like last fall with Gaza or when Christians in Syria were affected by the earthquake of February 2023,” she highlights. “They are generous all throughout the year and are moved, for example, by stories of religious sisters and their selfless and ceaseless dedication, sometimes at the risk of their own lives. I say thank you to all our benefactors, whom I view as true partners in the mission to build the Kingdom of God, just as the Gospel teaches us,” concludes Ms. Lalonde.

In Colombia, seminarians visiting the elderly and sick.

To learn more, please view and/or download our Annual Report 2023:

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