ACN Succes Story – Bangladesh

ACN Success Story: A new village chapel for the Diocese of Sylhet

The Diocese of Sylhet was only established in 2011. It is situated in the northeast of Bangladesh. The 20,000 or so Catholics living there are no more than a tiny minority within a total population of some 14 million across the territory of the diocese. Most of the Catholic faithful belong to ethnic minorities and are extremely poor, living on the margins of society.

Such is also the case in Ischachora Punjee, a village within the parish of Lokhipur. It is around 14 kilometres from the parish centre, and 16 of the 36 families living in the village are Catholics.

Previously, the Catholics had a modest chapel, which also doubled as the only space for providing instruction to the children and for other Church activities. But in 2019, this chapel was destroyed in the violent riots at that time. The Catholic faithful were left with nowhere to celebrate Holy Mass, to pray together, for religious instruction, or for catechetical and other pastoral activities. The nearest village is far away, and the people must walk there, since there are no proper roads and no public transport. As a result, the liturgy was often celebrated in private homes.

Thanks to your generous support of $29,120, they have finally been able to build a new chapel, which is protected by a wall. It was formally consecrated by Bishop Shorot Francis Gomes, with the enthusiastic support of the entire Catholic community. Large numbers of priests, religious sisters, catechists, and a great throng of Catholic faithful, including many from other villages,  joined in the celebrations. The building work was far from easy, and there were many challenges. For example, unexpected downpours hampered the transport of building materials along the already dangerous roads. But now the work is complete and the faithful are delighted with their new chapel. “The chapel is a sign and symbol of their faith, their hope and their community life,” wrote Father Soroj Leonard Costa to ACN. “On behalf of the bishop, the whole diocese, and the local parish of Ischachora Punjee, I want to express our heartfelt thanks to you!” Now we are passing on these thanks to all of you!

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