ACN Success Story – Democratic Republic of the Congo

10 motorcycles for pastoral work in rural parishes

The Diocese of Boma lies in the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and 35 of the 47 parishes that belong to it are located in remote rural areas. The priests minister to the faithful with joy and great zeal, but the distances are daunting, the roads poor, and some of the priests even find themselves walking up to 40 km to reach the faithful.

And so the bishop of Boma appealed to us for help to obtain 10 small motorcycles for the priests working in the most remote parishes to ease the burden of their ministry. The diocese is also aiming for a policy of “pastoral closeness,” meaning that the priests must strive to visit the villages as often as possible and minister as intensively as possible to the faithful, making themselves available to the maximum of their ability. This policy also involves establishing new parishes to help reduce the very long journeys. 

Our generous benefactors answered the call and donated $35,102. The 10 motorcycles have now arrived, been solemnly blessed, and handed over to the 10 priests concerned. Writing on their behalf, Father Landry Dinandi says:

“On behalf of the whole diocese, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to the benefactors of ACN and assure you of our humble prayers. May the Lord bless you richly for your generous support and interest in the success of the pastoral outreach of our diocese.”

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